Legal information

Welcome to the website of Durher, S.A. This website aims to provide the general public information on products and services of Durher, S.A.

These provisions are aimed at regulating the use of this website that Durher, S.A. available to Internet users.

The use of the website attributes the condition of user of the website implies acceptance of all conditions contained in this Legal Notice. Providing service Web page has a limited duration at the time in which the user is connected to the Web page. Therefore, the user must carefully read this Legal Notice in each of the occasions on which intends to use the website, since it and its conditions of use contained in this Legal Notice may change.

These general conditions are governed by Spanish law.

For any controversy arising from the application and interpretation of them, Durher, S.A. and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Zaragoza (Spain).


DURHER, S.A. with VAT No A-50315019, has its registered office in Zaragoza, Pol. Las Heras, calle Picaso nº 12, 50420 Cadrete and is registered in the Commercial Register of Zaragoza, Volume 862, Gral. 575, Secc. 3ª L. of SOC., Pahe 10265, Ins. 1ª.


All rights in the Website and the rights of intellectual property relating to its contents therein included are property of Durher, S.A. or others.

This website may contain references to trademarks or trademarks of Durher, S.A. Their use is prohibited without the express prior consent of Durher, S.A. All other references to other trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, which can be understood that access to the website does not confer any right on them.

Any person is authorized to view, copy, print and distribute any document published by Durher, S.A. on this website considering that: (I) the document is used for informational purposes only, (ii) the document may not be used for commercial purposes, (iii) such documents should always include a reference which is owned Durher, S.A.

The materials on this website are protected by copyright and any unauthorized use of them may violate copyright law, and other laws. The authorization to use this Website shall automatically terminate if you breach any of these Terms, you must immediately destroy any material obtained or printed from the website.

Durher, S.A. not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind to the rights of intellectual property, trade secrets or any other property or right related to the Website and its contents.


Durher, S.A. reserves the right to modify at any time without notice, configuration and Web page content.

The user undertakes not to perform any conduct that may harm the interests and rights of Durher, S.A. or others.

All information received by Durher, S.A. through this website will not be considered confidential, except for under paragraph data confidentiality.

Any individual or company wishing to establish a hyperlink, need prior authorization from Durher, S.A. Durher, S.A. assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the content that third parties have included in the hyperlinks referred to on this page. The links do not imply in any case the existence of relations between Durher, S.A. and the owner of the Web page in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval of Durher, S.A. of its contents or services offered therein and made publicly available.

Expressly prohibited any alteration, change, modification or adaptation of this site or any information contained thereon.

Durher, S.A. not responsible for any loss or damage to the software or hardware of the user that may arise from access to this website or from the use of information contained therein. Likewise no responsibility nor guarantees the availability and continued access to this Web site or that it is free of errors.

The user liable for damages of any kind that Durher, S.A. may suffer as a result of a breach of any of the obligations to which they are bound by these conditions. The user is aware and voluntarily accepts that the use of any content of this website takes place, if at all, under his sole responsibility.


Durher, S.A. undertakes to comply with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data.


For any suggestions or questions about this legal notice contact us:

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Copyright: © Durher, S.A.


Associated entities

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Latest News

19/12/2024. We present the new ASTÚN block sawing machine model for cutting large construction materials.

1/9/2022. In compliance with the requirements of European regulations, we present the new DURHER EUROPA 350 wood saw machine model.

Contact us

Pol. Las Heras
C/ Pablo Picasso, nº 12
50420 Cadrete
(Zaragoza) Spain
Tel. (+34) 976 126 552*
Fax: (+34) 976 126 528

See map
Send us an e-mail

Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce
2011 Export Award
2011 Export Award